Beautified the house by installing the ceramics to all of the floor has become the requirement for beauty of the house that was desired. The ceramics in a heterogenous manner the colour, the material and the measurement became the quite interesting variation when his fitting was carried out exactly.
A little mistake in the fitting could reduce the appearance of the floor and the house as a whole. It is important for beauty of the house ceramics definitely is the maintenance. The maintenance of the ceramics by being arranged and using the exact material will give comfort, the freshness, clean and healthy that was important for the owner of the house. Before ordered the ceramics, visited and tried to compare first several ceramic shops while looking around its catalogue. This was needed as the good price's reference and the compatibility between the ceramics that was available and the stocks. Therefore when coming again you have had the shadow concerning the ceramics that will be chosen. When choosing to record the name of the producer, the name of the collection, the quality, the measurement code and the variant of the colour of the ceramics that was chosen, because the ceramics that was installed must be homogeneous. This was also important to facilitate you in the future ordered repeated.
For the rests and reserve, increase the order up to 5-10 percents of the requirement ceramics that needed, and anticipated the ceramics was thrown away because of damage or the fitting mistake. Moreover, in the ceramic fitting in a diagonal manner, the ceramics that was thrown away would more. Moreover was the possibility of a type time of the ceramics that was bought already was not marketed again.
The attachment of the Ceramics
When was installed the ceramics, casted the concrete that will be covered must be cooked first for one month to give the contraction opportunity. After dry the surface of the concrete was cleansed of dust, oil, the paint, oil, et cetera. The cleaning better with water (waterjet) because with the broom not more maximal. Following just the concrete was given screed (the layer of the foundation with the level surface). Screed was made from the cement mixture and sand with the comparison 1:4 or 1:5 and was applied with a thickness of 3 – 5 cm. The layer was allowed 3 - 7 days and was closed with plastic or plywood so that was avoided from the waste. The ceramic fitting above screed could be carried out with the layer of the fastener (tile bed) took the form of the cement mixture and sand, with the composition 1:4 for the floor ceramics and 1:2 for the wall ceramics. Cement and sand were mixt in the dry situation until his colour was homogeneous just was given water and was stirred until level. But, that was ideal tile bed used the special material (special adhesive) the ceramic fastener because stronger his bunch power and smaller his contraction. The material that often has been sold in the market was kept being mixt with water and being applied in accordance with the guidance.
For the surface of the foundation that berkadar high water, before being installed by the ceramics better be given by the waterproof layer previously under the layer of the fastener, in order to prevents water rising to the surface that could make the ceramics free or broke. The fitting was in outside space made with the slope 1-2 percent to avoid the pool of water. Before being installed by the ceramics was soaked in water for 2-4 hours to minimise the absorbency of his water after being installed, and his underside was cleaned. The layer screed also was wetted to minimise the contraction of the surface. When being installed by the ceramics was pressed and knocked on slow with the rubber hammer so that level. To produce the level fitting and precision with nat neat, could be used separator from the range of the thread et cetera. The fitting must be carried out under the adequate illumination, and better was begun from the middle (centre the area) headed towards all the banks to get wide the ceramics that was same to the perimeter of the area. After three hours, ceramic were installed, just his surface was cleaned with the wet sponge to eliminate mixture or the substance adhesive that was left. After that let the ceramics stabilised minimal 24 hours before moving to the filling stage nat (space antarkeramik) or grouting. Grouting was done with the special material the filler nat used rubber float through to nat was filled up was full, solid, and level. Did don't let was nat that was empty because of being filled up by the waste that reduced beauty of the ceramics, or made the association antarkeramik not stronger. So did grouting in accordance with the guidance. The distance nat should not be too narrow. For the floor 3-4 mm and the wall 1-2 mm. Nat that was too narrow made the fitting be seen not all that precision because of the effective measurement of each sliver of the ceramics usually precisely not be the same. With nat that was thin, the bunch power antarkeramik also not stronger. On the other hand with nat that was wide enough to have breathing space for the ceramics when the expansion happening.
So strive for chose the filler nat that was strong, kept against detergent, and well-off mengakomodasi the expansion of the ceramics. The remnants grouting immediately must be cleaned with the wet sponge or the towel and was wiped again with that was dry. During minimal three first days after being installed, the surface of the ceramics was closed with plywood or plastic and might not be stepped on or collided. So the ceramic fitting better be carried out in the last stage.
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