It did not need the specifics maintenance for the ceramics that was installed in your house. Really it was cleared and clean periodically, for example max onces a day, with the floor cleaner that was dissolved in clean water. When being affected by the liquid stain, immediately cleaned in a period less than 24 hours. When being allowed to reside, the liquid stain will be difficult to be cleaned because of penetrating to ceramic pores. If the waste was rather difficult to be cleaned, you could clean it with brush. The quite strong ceramics kept the hand friction without being scratched and damaging its appearances.
It is not suggested cleaning the ceramics with the floor cleaning material porstex, because could erode the nat or even caused the ceramics to be free from the layer of his fastener. Especially the ceramics homogeneous glaze could be carried out with in-polish, whereas the glazur could be lost.
When it broken, crack, and heavy material that couldn't be clean, the ceramics must be replaced with new one with the same type and the same size. If that was broken one, it was enough to substitute for one piece. Before take apart, the lever and the layer of the filler nat previously around the ceramics that was broken with the knife or the other pointed implement sharply in a careful manner. For the slice diagonal (pulled from respectively the corner) in the surface of the ceramics with the sharp knife (cutter). Afterwards with the big nail or the other pointed implement sharp, knocked on surfaces in the middle in the meeting of two slices diagonal slowly until the crack ceramics/broke out. Further the ceramic lever with the chisel until being free from the layer of it fastener. Clean the former layer of the fastener, gravel, et cetera with the appropriate implement. Apply the mixture or the layer of the new fastener and the pair of the replacement ceramics.
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